2Captcha entry work is one of the best online typing job. Because there is no limitation both in terms of work and earnings. You can work 24/7 and get paid for what you work.
How to Earn 2Captcha?
Every day the 2Captcha service gets more than 1.000.000 CAPTCHAs to solve Quick earnings withdrawal.
How To Create 2Captcha Account?
Now fill those form.
Select I'M A Worker.
Now Click Next.
2Captcha Training mode:Before start working with our service you have to complete the 2Captcha training. It's free, fast and easy and it will protect your account from being suspended for making mistakes.
Hit the “Start Work” button
Hit the “Start Work” button
Now Type Those Captcha (Case Sensitive)
CAPTCHA solver has no more than 20 seconds to solve an image. If they
are unable to solve it, there is a “can’t read” button and the CAPTCHA
goes to another solver. If the CAPTCHA gets three “can’t read” statuses
in a row, the CAPTCHA is marked as “not a CAPTCHA” and leaves the queue.
Payment Method:
The minimum payout amount $1. Payment Method like- PayPal, Payza, WebMoney, Bitcoin, AdvCash, Perfect Money etc.
Withdrawal is carried out immediately or within 5 business days, depending on the direction of payout.
How does 2Captcha referral program work?
When someone is a coming in a your referral link and registering to 2Captcha service.You
get 10% from your affiliate earnings and 10% from a your friends on the service. If your partner is
spent or earned today, the payments you receive tomorrow.
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