Bubblews is an  Articles writing site.Your post should consist 

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You can write anything you want to write but we have to follow the

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1. Should maintain the 400 Characters per an Article.

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internet and should only use writable with you.

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How to Earn More Money from  bubblews - Articles Writing site

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 First Click here to Register Bubblews Account.

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Yes. Multiple people can create accounts under the same IP address,

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Currently they do not allow multiple users to share the same 

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Take a look at a few of these tips:

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 5. Post at least 3 times per day.

 6. Be active at different times of the day.

How to submit your article?

Write your article about something about whatever you want to 

write on Microsoft word pad, because of back up of your articles 

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Minimum Payout on Bubblews is 50$.You can get your payments in 

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Minimum Payout on Bubblews

If you don't have a account Click here to Create PayPal Account

What to avoid?

1. Never ask anyone to connect you back or like your posts.
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How To Earn More Money at Bubblews ?

1. I suggest you to post 10 articles every day, but maintain a gaps of  
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