How to Install Wordpress on localhost | XAMPP

First Download XAMPP  and install XAMPP.

Now Click Start to run Apache and MySQL.

Click Start to run Apache and MySQL.

Now Click Explore and Click Admin.

Now Type your Database name and Click Created.

Database wordpress has been created

If the database entry was created successfully the message "Database wordpress has been created" should be displayed.

Unzip Wordpress and Copy the Wordpress Folder and Past it
 to the htdocs folder within the XAMPP directory. If ZIP file extracted properly there should be a new directory called "wordpress" within the \xampp\htdocs directory

Copy the Wordpress Folder and Past it   to the htdocs folder

Go to the Wordpress Installation page by opening a web browser and entering the following URL:  http://localhost/wordpress

Wordpress Installation page

Click Create a Configuration file.

Then Click Let's go.

MySQL database setup

Type User Name root and remove password and Click Submit.
Then Click Run The install.

Type your Blog Title, Password and Your E-mail

Now Type your Blog Title, Password and Your E-mail .

Then Click Install WordPress.

Then Click Log in.

wordpress log in

Now Type your Username and Password and Click Log in.

wordpress dashboard


Now enjoy your Wordpress site in your Local server.

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How to Install Wordpress on Xampp