Anti-Porn is very useful software for protecting your family browsing by monitoring millions web sites.

By using this software you can easily set limits on the time children spend on internet, computer games, and instant messages.You can easily control what sites your children are on and at the same time limiting their connection time.

Anti-Porn 20.85.9 Features:-

 Anti-Porn's intelligent content Filtering Engine blocks porn site before it appears in front of children's eyes.

Free Download  Anti-Porn 20.85.9  Full Version with Patch

You could not find Anti-Porn whether in the explorer or in the task manager. Everyone could not close or remove Anti-Porn without password.

Anti-Porn with password.

You can lock the PC's screen for a while every several minutes in order to protect child's eyesight.

Protect eyesight

Seen the numbers of porn sites on the Internet, parents are sometimes not aware of what their children are on. With Anti-Porn you will have the possibility to control what sites your children are on and at the same time limiting their connection time.

monitor the online activity of your children.

Anti-Porn blocks thousands of porn sites. Monitor the online activity of your children. Set limits on the time children spend on internet, computer games, and instant messages.

instant messages blocks

Anti-Porn can determine which program is a game or chatting tool and limit it to run. The parents needn't to add any game to a blacklist.

blocks adult websites

Anti-Porn parental controls filters and blocks adult websites and other objectionable and inappropriate content.

Anti-Porn blocks thousands of porn sites.

You can easily monitor the online activity of your children.

monitor the online activity of your children.

Auto save all visited websites so you can be aware of what your children have been visiting.

Free Download  Anti-Porn 20.85.9  Full Version with Patch

 Captures Windows screenshots periodically at set time interval.

Now Enjoy  latest Anti-porn software for your PC.

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